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Uniform and Dress Code

We aim to encourage children to feel pride and a sense of belonging to the Gaddesden Row community from wearing their uniform. The school uniform consists of:

  • Royal blue sweatshirt or sweat cardigan with school emblem;
  • Yellow polo shirt with school emblem;
  • Grey trousers, pinafore, skirt or shorts;
  • Yellow gingham dress in summer;
  • Grey/white socks
  • Black shoes/closed sandals


Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 should keep a pair of named wellies in school so that they can fully enjoy the outside area!  We would also recommend provision of outdoor waterproof clothing particularly in Reception.


Your child should also be provided with a sun hat in warm weather and a coat that is suitable to the season everyday (one can be purchased from School Trends). It is also essential to have a waterproof coat and sensible footwear in school everyday, as we are likely to be working outdoors or to be undertaking short walks in the countryside! 

Please note: sunglasses are not to be worn due to health and safety reasons.


PE Kit

  • Yellow PE T-shirt with school emblem;
  • Royal blue shorts;
  • Blue jogging bottoms and tracksuit top - no other colour;
  • Black plimsolls or white/black trainers;
  • PE bag to keep it in.



We believe it is important to be comfortable and look smart at Gaddesden Row.

Make-up (including nail varnish) and jewellery should not be worn in school. No bracelets, including charity bands are to be worn in school, except the time when the school is fundraising for the charity. Plain (not coloured) studs for pierced ears are acceptable, but hoops or dangling earrings must not be worn. Watches may be worn. Fake nails are not permitted. 

Hair should be of a sensible style - shaved or coloured hair is not permitted at school. Hair beyond shoulder length must be tied back. Hair accessories should be in school colours.



You can order and pay for school uniform online from School Trends by following the link above. Alternatively, simply visit www.schooltrendsonline.com, then select ‘Find My School’ and fmollow the order instructions. You can either pay online or if you prefer, you can order online and send a cheque to the following address: SchoolTrends, 10 Carley Drive, Westfield, Sheffield S20 8NQ.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can collect an order form from the School Office and order by post. There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. As well as our approved decorated school uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts and optional items such as:  school bags, PE bag, winter hat, water bottle etc. Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.

You can also order some items from Tesco (see link below). 


Please make sure that all items of clothing and footwear worn in school are clearly labelled with your child’s name.